Community Dat Conference: The Summary On the 30th & 31st of July, we had the chance to converge the Dat Community online on a unique two-day event. All actors - from enthusiasts and the curious to core developers and multiple projects’ creators - came together to refresh the whole Dat ecosystem.
Community Dat Community Ecosystem Conference 2020 July 30th and 31st will be the dates for the first Dat conference. Whilst we will miss the chance to see each others faces, we think this will open up numerous opportunities for others to come by and have a full look at what has been cooking in the Dat Universe recently. Don’t miss the opportunity!
Science Practical Decentralization of Scholarly Data & Resources It’s time for scholars to ask whether today’s data preservation technologies align with open scholarship’s values of access, preservation, privacy, and transparency.
Decentralization The Web of Commons Decentralization is not just a technological problem, it is also a human one. With a commons approach to the decentralized web, the most ideal approach is guided from where we came. New protocols should be optimizing for science and mutual collaboration rather than optimizing for profit.
Conferences Berlin Hack Week Last week half the Dat team met up in Berlin. As a remote team (8 people, 4 countries) we mostly communicate through IRC and work asynchronously. This means that whenever we meet up,...
Conferences Reflections from International Data Week 2016 International Data Week in September 2016 brought together three events, SciDataCon, the International Data Forum, and the Research Data Alliance 8th plenary. Joe Hand from the Dat team attended the conference.
Conferences An Introduction To Persistent Identifiers This week in Reykjavik, Iceland I attended PIDapalooza, the first community conference dedicated to the topic of persisent identifiers (PIDs) for the scholarly web. As a relative newcomer to this community I wanted