Getting Dat to work in new environments

A look at some of the work I've been doing for Dat

Dat is an awesome mashup of a bunch of useful modules, for peer discovery and for data replication, that work together to enable people to share data and build distributed websites and applications.

Current implementations focus on Node.js-based applications, or are being abstracted away with high level APIs in the Beaker Browser. What I worked on as part of the handshake funding was to explore getting these modules to work in new environments outside of Node, namely on mobile devices with React Native, updating the tooling for Dat apps in the non-distributed web, and adding a standard service for storing Dats to the CLI.

Mobile Apps #

Since I first tried out Beaker, I've been thinking "Wouldn't it be cool if I could do the same thing on my phone". Some prior work in this direct was the Bunsen Browser but it wasn't finished, and I wanted to take a stab at doing something similar with Datmobile.

Using Node Modules In React native #

I've worked with React native before, and thought that it would give good performance gains over Cordova for the UI and that the native module ecosystem could get me pretty far towards getting Hyperdrive and Discovery-Swarm to work.

Of course, React Native isn't Node, and it can be fairly daunting to try to get something working when the compiler gives you dozens of warnings about missing dependencies and undefined globals. At first I tried to manually add missing dependencies and define missing globals, but it was hard to get dependencies to accept my changes due to the way React Native's build tools work. Luckily, I was pointed to rn-nodeify which automatically does most of the work needed, and I then got to focus on getting the rest of the app together.

Getting Something Out There #

After figuring out how to get Hyperdrive to compile, I then started looking into getting a minimal viable product using it. I had recently worked on an example app that used dat-js to browse archives on the web, and I decided to take a similar approach for Datmobile.

Instead of getting Dat's discovery mechanisms to work in React Native, I reused the Websocket replication from dat-gateway and implemented some simple screens for viewing folders and files in the archive. An important thing to note is that this version didn't work offline and merely loaded stuff in memory from the gateway.

I polished up the file views, and published it on Google Play.

P2P Networking & Persistence #

After testing out the initial version, I started looking into discovery-swarm and for a way to persist data to the device so it could be used offline. Just to recap, discovery-swarm consists of three main parts: The BitTorrent-based DHT, the DNS trackers, and Multicast DNS for local peer discovery. After monkey-patching some of the react-native libraries that rn-nodeify added, I got P2P discovery working through the BitTorrent DHT, but MDNS and DNS discovery will need some more tinkering. Plus, the performance of the DHT isn't too great, likely due to the number of false positives in the DHT and the overall performance of the react-native-udp module. But... it works!

Regarding persistence, and some help with setting up testing from (@lachenmayer)[] , I created random-access-rn-file which could be plugged into hyperdrive to persist the state. Sadly, the FS API that it's using does several layers of encoding and decoding from JS -> Base64 -> RN Bridge -> Base64 -> Java. @Allain has been looking into alternatives which could give us performance gains. It works, but it adds a lot of latency.

Making A Browser #

The last step that was missing was getting the dat content to loading in an actual web view and providing the relevant JS APIs. The hardest part of this was registering a new dat:// protocol handler so that images and fetch() requests would automatically invoke the JS code to load content. Neither React Native, nor Android provide a simple API to do this. The closest thing you can do on Android is to intercept all requests and generate entire responses synchronously. I initially attempted to implement a streaming response system, but a bug in the C++ code in Android that interacts with this method means that it will only attempt to read from the request once, and subsequent requests will hang. Then, I saw that somebody was already working on adding support for this feature in the react-community-webivew repo. I forked the repo and fixed it up so that I could add support for the Dat protocol.

Performance Wasn't Good Enough #

Sadly, I had to put my Datmobile work on hold without finishing up the WebView integration. The performance was just too slow to release. Requests would get intercepted by the webview, but it would take seconds to load anything and the request would time out. I'll need to work on getting DNS discovery to work and to improve FS performance, and then come back to see if it's usable.

Dat On The Web #

Before I got into working on Datmobile, I had done some initial work on dat-js in order to improve it's performance, and help it load dats from the P2P network.

P2P In The Browser #

Initially, Dat-JS was using webrtc-swarm in order to create archives in the browser, and share them with other browsers using WebRTC. It uses a signalling server to find peers, and automatically establishes P2P connections directly between the browsers. With this in place you could use Dat in web applications, but it was limited to Dats that were created within the browser network and it couldn't load Dats created in the CLI or Beaker.

Gateways And Websockets #

A while ago, I had been playing around with getting Beaker's DatArchive API to work in the web, and part of that was to get a way to connect a Dat in the browser, to the rest of the network using Websockets. I used the Webosocket replication support in dat-gateway by @garbados. The way it works is it listens for incoming websocket connections, gets the Dat read key from the URL, loads the Dat archive for the key in the gateway, and replicates it through the websocket to the browser. After adding this functionality to Dat JS, it was now possible to load any Dat in the browser, and create Dats in the browser that could be loaded in Beaker or the CLI.

Persisting Data In The Browser #

By default, Dat-JS loads archive data in memory, and all of that data gets cleared if you refresh your page. So when you create an archive in the browser, your private keys would get cleared and you'd lose the ability to update it. You'd also be unable to use the data while offline. To solve this, you need to provide a storage layer which would persist the data.

I had mostly used an IndexedDB based storage layer in the past, but even though it had great browser support, it ended up slowing things down significantly. There were alternatives that I knew about, one that used experimental Chrome APIs, and one that used experimental Firefox APIs. There was a definite need from the community to have a storage layer that "just worked" and would use the best storage layer without developers having to do feature detection. With that in mind, I created random-access-web which did exactly that. Now it should be easy for people making applications to persist their data in browsers and know that it'll have decent performance on modern browsers.

Supporting More Data Structures #

A potential downside of the dat-gateway approach was that it worked by having the gateway sync data with the network first, which meant the gateway had access to potentially private data. Plus, the gateway was only able to handle Dat archives using Hyperdrive and wouldn't work for projects that wanted to experiment with other data structures like HyperDB or Kappa-Core.

Ideally we'd want to have a gateway that acted as a proxy for Dat's peer discovery mechanism without revealing the actual data to it. That proxy is discovery-swarm-stream. It works by having a browser open up a websocket connection and sending discovery keys for resources that it's interested in. The proxy will then search for peers in the P2P network, open connections to them, and proxy those connections to the client over the websocket. The client's interface looks almost exactly the same as the Node.js API, so people can reuse a lot of their Node.js code in the browser by pairing this with Browserify.

After making sure that discovery-swarm-stream worked, I paired it with discovery-swarm-webrtc into discovery-swarm-web which tries to find peers using WebRTC first, and then uses discovery-swarm-stream to bridge to the rest of the Dat network. The library has a default gateway and signaling server configured for it, but it will attempt to use a local gateway if one exists.

After testing this stuff out, I can sat that Dat-js feels a lot faster, and it's easier to ensure data will be saved locally without having to think about storage mechanisms.

dat store #

A big challenge in P2P systems is that you need at least one peer to be reachable with some content in oder for new peers to get access to it. In short, if nobody is online with a copy of your Dat, nobody new can download it.

With that in mind, people needed to use some sort of server that would always be online so that you could tell it to have a copy of your Dat loaded at all times in case your personal computer isn't reachable.

This mostly came in the form of Hashbase, a service hosted by Blue Link Labs (Makers of Beaker), and some smaller self-hosted alternatives like homebase and hypercored.

In early 2018, a new Dat Enhancement Proposal (DEP 0003) was made which would standardise how people would interact with such services, but sadly it didn't get adopted by the CLI or any other hosting services.

Putting It Together #

With that in mind, I needed to get something into the Dat CLI which would: 1. let us interact with storage providers like Hashbase, and 2. make it easy for people to set up a basic storage provider from the CLI. Luckily there were a bunch of high level modules that I could combine to get what I needed. To interact with servers implementing DEP 0003, there is dat-pinning-service-client that handles all the handshaking. To manage a set of Dats, I used dat-librarian. For the HTTP API for the daemon, I used fastify, and for good measure added discovery-swarm-web to it. And to install the storage provider as a service across different operating systems, I used os-service which has a tiny API which handles everything that's needed to work on Linux, Windows, and MacOS.

With all of these parts together, and some bikeshedding about the name on IRC, I released dat-store and integrated it as an extension to the Dat CLI.

Using The CLI #

Now, if you want to add a Dat to Hashbase from the CLI, you can do the following:

npm install -g dat dat-store

dat store set-provider


dat store dat://

If you want to run your own store, you can do so without needing to muck around with setting up services on your OS.

dat store install-service

dat store dat://

What's cool is that if you have a Dat Store installed on your machine, it will enable apps using discovery-swarm-web to talk to it directly instead of reaching out to the public gateway.

Different data structures #

Now that we have an easy way to share regular Dats, I'd like to go further and figure out what we can do to create a DEP that would allow the store to interact with different Dat data structures like HyperDB, Kappa-Core, and anything else the community will come up with. Ideally, all Dat stores should support any type of data structure so that application developers can think more about their application, and users can have more choice about how they want to back up their content.

What's next #

Now that Dat-JS has been updated with the new libraries, I'm hoping to see projects in the community try to adopt it so that we can make Web apps that work not only in Beaker and Electron, but in legacy web browsers used by people that haven't bought into P2P yet.

Regarding Datmobile, it's not a primary focus for me at the moment, but I want to fix up the Webview support before DWeb Camp 2019 in July so that people can author content on their phones and share it on the mesh network.

I'd also like to improve the documentation for using the Dat CLI, as well as improving the usability of dat store.