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Dat Project Newsletter: July 2019

The Dat Project newsletter is a monthly newsletter highlighting interesting things happening in the Dat community. Let us know if you have something to share! You can support Dat with a recurring donation.

Building up on dat #

Diego from Geut presented his guide on how to build with Dat at Nodeconf Colombia. Part of the guide contained an example React app for viewing Dat archives called Datviewer , and a Node.js package manager for loading modules from Dat called gpm .


Alpha release of Cliqz concept browser #

Cliqz is a privacy focused web browser built on top of Firefox. They recently released an APK for the alpha version of their new Firefox-based Android web browser which integrates the Dat Firefox extensions . Check out the download here .

Dat SDK #

The first version of the Dat Software Development Kit has been released. The SDK is made to simplify building applications with Dat and deploying them to different platforms. It does this by abstracting away storage and replication and providing the Hyperdrive and Hypercore APIs so you can focus on the data.

Here's a quote from one of it's first users.


Hyperdrive Daemon #

The Hyperdivision team has been working on a daemon that runs in the background on your computer and enables keeping hyperdrives seeded and also provides the ability to mount archives as real folders on your filesystem using FUSE.


Data Terra Nemo talks #

There was a bunch of Dat folks at DTN (https://dtn.is/) this year, and the videos for some of the talks are slowly coming out.


Cabal-controlled toothbrush #

Don Blair (https://github.com/dwblair) has been messing around with Cabal for a while and lately he's been playing around with controlling IoT devices using bots within Cabal chats. Check out this funny video of one of his experiments.


Wikipedia on Dat 2.0 #

Paul has been working on integrating the new version of Dat into Beaker. One of the first stress tests of this new setup is loading up pages from Wikipedia (255 GB of content) and it seems to be working great!


New ACK feature in Hypercore #

Substack (https://github.com/substack) recently submitted a pull request to the hypercore repo which adds an "acknowledgement" message for sending data. This should help applications determine when peers have actually persisted data you've sent them and will help open the door to stuff like read receipts in Cabal and knowing when to break connections when syncing with a pub in the CLI.


Peer to-Peer Web Night Freiburg #

Franz Heinzmann (https://github.com/frando) and Martin Heidegger (https://github.com/martinheidegger) did a presentation at
Chaos Computer Club Freiburg (CCCFR) about Dat and a cool way of preserving secret keys for Dats using QR codes (https://github.com/consento-org/cards) .


Dweb Camp Dat-Zine #

Angelica (@eANNuLfzX/9rlGODXHYV8WJb+zw2h+d7YsT4vpYPvD0=.ed25519) from the SSB community is putting together a Zine about people's experiences at Dweb Camp. If you're interested in contributing, try to get in touch before Wednesday and check out the post on SSB: %26bwmdpstgxINgLTzj1HphaMostQXNHZ9HzEi65fCuA=.sha256

DatPy is progressing #

The Python implementation of Dat is making progress with a merkle tree stream (https://pypi.org/project/merkle-tree-stream/0.0.1a1/) implementation.


Help support Dat: make a recurring donation ! #
