Dat Receives Mozilla Open Source Support Grant

We are excited to announce that Dat Project received a $34,000 grant to support Community Building, Protocol Documentation, and Tooling through the Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS) program.

Alongside our Mozilla Open Web Fellow, we hope this grant helps us showcase the existing community and introduce other communities to Dat. This grant is particularly noteworthy because it is the first grant Dat has received for ongoing maintenance of Dat (not driven by new features or related projects). This is an area of critical funding for open source as highlighted Nadia Eghbal's report on Open Source Infrastructure.

To receive this grant, we needed a Mozilla Champion. We are happy to have the Mozilla Common Voice project interested in using Dat to distribute data. This grant is a first step to support their needs for data publishing and distribution. We are excited to collaborate with Mozilla to make the Dat community more accessible.

Milestones #

We are working towards three milestones for this grant:

  1. Community Experience Research
  2. Dat.Land Community Prototype
  3. Dat Documentation & Implementation Guide
  • Community Experience Research Before jumping into documentation we want to identify what our needs are and how other communities have successfully addressed those needs.
  • dat.land Community Prototype With the Dat community, we have an amazing number of interesting projects, demos, or other bits that we'd like to find a place to share -- we hope dat.land can be that place.
  • Dat Documentation & Implementation Guide Finally, we recognize the need to generally improve documentation and details around protocol implementation.

Get In Touch #

Do you have experience in user research and documentation, especially in open source communities? Please get in touch! (hi@datproject.org)

You can view our initial application and work progress on Github.