
Dat Field Notes

Over the last few years of working on Dat I've seen lots of great posts, articles, thoughtful answers to chat questions, and more. After gathering these slowly it is time to share it!

Check out my Dat Field Notes. Have your own field notes? Let me know and I'll add it here (and to my notes)!

I've been using my Dat Field Notes to accomplish a few things:

  • Collect ALL THE LINKS - all the Dat-related content I've seen over last few years.
  • Document Dat Project operations - who runs what servers, how are domains managed, what about money, etc.
  • Using Dat - questions I see come up often and still need to be better documented.

What is Dat Field Notes? #

An informal collection of resources, notes, etc. I've gathered describing Dat, how to use Dat, and how the Dat Project is run. My aim is to "write everything down," so that contributors have a better foundation of understanding while keeping it low friction. Ideally, most of this will move to the documentation or other public repositories.

What is planned for Dat Field Notes? #

Nothing. It is my personal notebook for anything Dat-related. I welcome additions and other's to also make their own notebooks. Ideally, by having a write now and organize later approach it will make it easier to get these items formally documented in the proper places.

Thanks! #

Thanks for everyone that has contributed time for thoughtful writing about Dat!